Monday, September 25, 2017

Periods 1, 3 & 5  Science
I can apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer.

I will investigate how there's more movement within warmer liquid than colder liquid by making observations to explain the transfer of thermal energy 

1. Think Now:  Amplified Science(10 min)
Login to Amplified Science 
Explore the Simulation on your own digital device. Investigate how the Simulation works and what you can change.

2. Students use the Sim to investigate the relationship between temperature and the movement of molecules. (25min)

3. Students reflect on what they have learned over the last two lessons.(10 min)

4. Putting together solar ovens: 

5. Finished Early? Go to Quizlet  to practice vocabulary.

Homework: Article: Absolute Zero~ Read, Annotate, write gist and central idea. 

  • Take out password tracker
  • Pencil
  • iPad/ laptop
  • Science notebook
  • Think Now: Warm up on Amplified Science: Thermal Energy Unit: Chapter 1: lesson 3
  • Announcements:
- Suggested material for solar ovens: Graham crackers, hershey chololate bars and marsh-mellows.& clear tape.
- Math/Science tutoring is Tuesday & Thursday this week.
- Science homework due Thursday week!

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Math Video #3 from Homework 2:3

Hello Scholars, I have added a short video for math work from the homework packet. Please see the video for the support!